Our therapists use their expertise to address issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, behavioral difficulties, parenting, relationship problems, grief and loss, divorce, family discord, life cycle changes, interpersonal conflict, personality disorders, and more. Please keep in mind that a psychological condition can exist within the context of your life and therefore may not always stand alone. We take great care in performing a comprehensive evaluation of the client’s life circumstances to minimize the impact of diagnosis. We do not believe that a person seeking help should be defined solely by a diagnosis. Therapy alone or therapy in combination with brief interventions of medication by an outside professional will reduce the impact of most presenting issues thus reducing symptoms of psychological conditions.

Anxiety Conditions:
Generalized Anxiety
Specific Phobias
Adjustment Difficulties:
Job stress
Grief and Loss
Life-Cycle Issues:
Marriage and pre-marital counseling
Birth of a new child
Blended family issues
Parenting Skills
Sibling Rivalry
Depression Types:
Major Depressive Disorder
BiPolar Disorder
Cycling Mood Disorders
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Personality Disorders:
Narcissistic Personality
Borderline Personality
Dependent Personality
Obsessive Compulsive Personality
Trauma Conditions:
Relationship trauma: physical and emotional
Military service
Cultural Trauma
Sexual abuse/assault
Acute traumatic events: car accidents, drug overdose, natural disasters​